Podcast of Mystery Interviews Matthew Heines about Egypt and ECETI Ranch
Jason Rigdon of the Podcast of Mystery interviewed Matthew Heines, host of the Encounters USA Podcast. The subjects of the interview: a UFO Encounter in Egypt and another at the ECETI Ranch.
Encounter 1 Sinai Peninsula, Egypt
The Sinai encounter involved Colombian Army forces and forces from Fiji and Norway.
At the time, Matthew Heines was serving as a paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne Division at the time.
Heines, along with a contingent of Americans participating in a military style decathlon had arrived in camp the day after the incident.

The event was documented in a UN publication called The Sandpaper.
During the podcast, Matthew Heines reads the original account and explains how the story was related to him.
“El Gorah, as we all know, was built on the remains of an Israeli airfield,” the story begins. “but how many know the ancient history of El Gorah?”
Links With An Ancient Civilization
“However, on Sunday, 3 March, several members of the Colombian Battalion saw evidence of the ancient links the area has with an ancient civilization.”
“At 21:05 Hours (9:15 P.M), as the guard settled in for another quite night in the watch towers, the sentries along the southern fence became aware of a quiet humming in the air.”
They Paid Little Attention
“At first they paid little attention to it, but after it had been growing steadily louder for 10 minutes they noticed a series of orange lights hovering beyond the southern fence.”
The article continues to recount the movement of the craft until finally it disappeared.
The Fijians who explained it were somewhat fearful of the UFO’s return.
To hear the full account and see a copy of the publication click here.
Encounter 2 The ECETI Ranch

South of Mt Adams lies the ECETI Ranch.
After doing a story on the Maury Island UFO incident near Tacoma, Washington in 1947, Matthew Heines contacted Michael Hall.
A former Thurston County Judge, Michael Hall was head of the UFO iTeam and a Maury Island Expert.
When “The Paranormal Attorney,” as Micheal Hall is known, explained to me he was at the ECETI Ranch. I asked him what ECETI Ranch was.

When “The Paranormal Attorney,” as Micheal Hall is known, explained to me he was at the ECETI Ranch. I asked him what ECETI Ranch was.
He explained to me he was there with his UFO iTeam to see, record and document UFO’s. I replied, “I’m on my way.”
In this interview, you will hear about the Encounters in Egypt, the ECETI Ranch and near Mt. Adams first hand.

Matthew Heines is an author and veteran of the US 82nd Airborne Division with over twenty years of experience teaching in the USA, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Sultanate of Oman. Matthew Heines has six books currently in publication titled, My Year in Oman, Another Year in Oman, Killing Time in Saudi Arabia, Deceptions of the Ages, The Rainier Paradigm and Heinessights: Wisdom for the Ages. Currently living near Seattle, in Washington State, Matthew Heines is active in politics and has run, and is currently running for the US House of Representatives.